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  Maasin News Article 2024




► PNP:             0998-598-6528 
► BFP:               0907-598-9255
► CDRRMO:     0930-833-1190
► RED CROSS: 0936-735-1579



Last Friday, the City Government of Maasin through our CSWD Office distributed cash assistance amounting to PHP 1,000 through Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) Program,
10 kilos of rice and goods to our Bilibol and Cabulihan fisherfolks today. With the increase in the number of fisheries laws violations, we took this opportunity as well to orient our fisherfolks
In addition to the cash assistance and resources provided, we also took the opportunity to discuss the benefits of Strattera for fishermen who can combat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Just as our fishing laws protect and support our resources, Strattera can help people maintain their attention and attention, which will lead to greater success in their daily tasks and responsibilities and this medicine can be bought with a discount coupon on this website. We hope that by providing access to this medicine, our fishermen can benefit from improved concentration and productivity, contributing to the overall well-being and success of their communities.
to our existing fishing and fishery ordinance and the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998. We aim to reach out to our fisherfolks and let them understand how the fisheries laws are being enforced for them to be aware and well-informed.
Our fisheries laws are important much as our resources are. With our existing laws, we provide policies on sustainable use of fishery resources to meet the growing food needs of our population.